Sunday, September 25, 2011

Whamo- Toys Mini Frisbee Golf Set Review

Much to my boys' dismay, Summer is now officially over. We are beginning to put up the pool, stash away the outside toys, and come up with some fun things to play indoors. But the thing is, my boys are not really "inside" kind of guys.. so I am always looking for toys that still allow them to be their active, wild selves without breaking everything in sight! 

We were so pumped when we got the chance to try the Mini Frisbee Golf Set from Wham-O Toys! I knew this would be perfect for my guys: An "outdoor" toy that can be played indoors! How great! 

This is such a cute set! The one that we received was a little different in color, but almost exactly the same! I was a bit worried when I opened the box, because I am NOT so great at putting things together, but this was super simple! I mean really, less than five minutes. The base has like four pieces that snap together and then you are done! It comes with six mini frisbee discs, that are not super hard. They are kind of flexible, which I liked, because, c'mon, someone is going to get hit in the head.

We immediately set our set (hehe!) up on the coffee table. It is a pretty small set, so I do recommend setting it up on a higher surface. If you were playing outside, an upside down five gallon bucket would be great! It was perfect for us on the table though! My boys are pretty short, so they were just the right size. Tater was NOT so good at first! We played probably ten rounds before he got the hang of how to throw the disc! Beanie, sweet little thing, just wanted to walk over and drop the disc in. Then he would clap for himself! Soo cute! 

At just under $20.00, this set makes an affordable gift for the kid on your list! It is really cute, and has provided us with hours of fun for the whole family! It is so nice to find something that we can all play together! Thanks Wham-O toys for another great find! 

To purchase your own Mini Frisbee Golf Set, just click here! 

Make sure to follow Wham-O on Twitter here and here, and on Facebook to stay up to date with all current promotions and cool new products!

disclosure: i was sent a sample product in order to conduct this review. although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own and I received no monetary compensation.

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