Monday, February 27, 2012

Creating A Butterfly Garden

I really like to garden. I don't know what it is, but I really enjoy actually growing something. Mostly in the past, I have grown veggies with some pretty good success, but not so much with flowers and fruits. So, when I recently heard about something called a butterfly garden, I was really intrigued. Seriously, I can bring actual, live, butterflies to my yard, without having to have a beautiful and successful garden? I am totally down for that!

The site that I found to tell me a little bit about this is a butterfly garden blog. I learned that creating a garden that attracts some really beautiful butterflies doesn't have to be expensive or hard! I love that idea! 

I am really excited to try to create a butterfly garden this Spring. The plants that you can choose are really varied, but some of the ones that I will probably use are Lilac, Cone Flowers, Parsley, Dill and Mint. I also definitely have to have some Milkweed, since it is considered the favorite plant of the Monarch Butterfly. 

I am really excited to create a butterfly garden this Spring, and I am working hard to make a plan on how to go about doing so! I love the idea of attracting  some beautiful butterflies without a ton of work and a ton of money! 

Have any of you guys every created a butterfly garden? 

If you have, let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I did not plan a butterfly garden, it just happened. Read and researched some and discovered a gardener can actually attract butterflies by selecting specific plants. And some of them are downright nice. It takes MORE than just 1 or 2 of the same plant.

    That site you linked to is really full of good information. Thanks. This year I'm going to take some advice from Butterfly Garden Blog and PLAN my garden better.


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