Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Summer Fun: Energizer Carbiner Light!
I am so excited to be working with Energizer as part of our Summer Fun Event!
We don't do a whole lot of exciting stuff during the Summer, but we do love to go camping! I am so excited to go camping soon, in a few weeks!
This time we will have an awesome product from Energizer to put to good use!
This is the Energizer Carabiner LED Area Light. It is perfect for any kind of camper, whether you are in a tent or an RV, a hiker or a fisherman. It is such a cute little light! You can use it as a flashlight by using the light on the end, or as an area light in a high or low setting by using the other three lights on the side. It is super easy to use, with just the push of a button!
Another great thing about this light is that it has up to five hours of running time! That is a long time for such a little light! We have been using this light for a few weeks now, during the storms and such, and I am happy to report that we really like it! The true test will be coming in a few weeks when we hit the campground, but I am sure it will do a fine job for us!
We all know that Energizer makes great long lasting batteries, but I am not sure if most people know about all the other products that they have. They have these amazing solar chargers now that you can use to charge your ipod or cell phone using solar power! They have solar flashlights and lanterns, and of course regular flashlights for any need you may have!
Stay tuned for a special report from me and my gang on how the Energizer Carabiner LED Area Light holds up to our camping fun!
Disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own and no monetary compensation was given.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Summer Fun: Glow Crazy!
Well things are finally calming down around here, with the boy's birthdays behind us and school finally over.. I am so glad that the boys are finally having time to play with all of their great birthday gifts!
Tater received his favorite birthday gift not from me, (well, not TECHNICALLY...), but from Glow Crazy!
If you have kids, you have probably seen the Glow Crazy commercials on TV. I have been really intrigued by this toy since I saw the advertisement for it. It just looked so cool!
We received the original Glow Crazy Distance Doodler, and we were so excited to try it out!
With the Glow Crazy Doodler, you can draw ON THE WALL with no mess! That's right, I said DRAW ON THE WALL! Tater was so excited about this, but also a little afraid that he would make a mess. That's just how he is, silly boy!
You get the wall clings, the lightwand, and a few stencils if you can't decide what to draw.. It's super easy to use, you just stick the wall cling on the ceiling or wall, wherever you want, turn off the lights and you are good to go! I love that it's so simple to use!
The Glow Crazy allows you to draw up to ten feet away using your light wand, and if you want to erase your drawings, guess what? You turn on the light. Simple as that. LOVE IT!
Tater loved this toy just as much as I thought he would! He is a little artist anyway, so I knew this toy would be perfect for him. Now the hardest part is keeping the light wand away from him at bedtime!
I can't wait to post some pics to show you guys how cool this toy is, but it will have to wait until I find the missing camera (I know, you guys can't believe I lost something!) But, take my word for it, this is a great toy!
The folks at Glow Crazy have some other great products, including the Glow Crazy GlowTo Go, and the Doodle Dome. These are already on Tater's Christmas list!
If you would like to check out Glow Crazy's awesome and MESS FREE toys, click here!
disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was given!
Fathers Day 2011: Insane Chicken Hot Sauce.
My hubs has always been a fan of spicy food. He loves anything hot.
This love for spicy hot food has only been fueled by the fact that all they guys at his work are from Mexico, and they bring in all this yummy hot and spicy food for him to try.
He is always telling me about some new thing he tried, and he is now obsessed with growing his own hot peppers. We have tried like twenty different varieties, and he adds them to everything!
So, when I got the chance to review some hot sauce from Insane Chicken, I knew it would be right up his alley!
Insane Chicken is an internet hub of all things hot sauce related. I mean really, this is like a hot sauce lover's paradise!
If you are looking for something out of the ordinary (and hot!), look no further!
We received three awesome sauces to try, each one different in it's own way.
The first that we received was Choke Your Chicken Peri Hot Sauce. This is a more "classic" sauce, I mean it is hot, but it is really good! I was actually able to enjoy this sauce with the hubs, on my yummy bacon, tomato and onion omelet! I love the disclaimer: no actual chickens were choked in the making of this sauce.
I absolutely LOVED the Fire Roasted Habanero Hot Sauce! This one is really hot, a level 10 on the Heat Scale. This is not just a simple hot sauce, it contains fire roasted habanero peppers, limes, garlic and onions. It really is something else. I've never tasted anything like it. It is hot, don't get me wrong, it's really freaking hot! But it starts off with the yummy flavor, and the hotness kind of sneaks up on you!
And, finally my friends, the Cluckin Hot Ghost Pepper Sauce! Check out the disclaimer on this one:
Cluckin' Hot Ghost Pepper Sauce is a near death experience in a bottle. Not only does this sauce have the Famous Bhut Jolokia pepper, it also has peri-peri peppers and concentrated pepper extract to made sure you see your maker. Warning: Pray before opening.
All I can say for this one is DAMN! My hubs, the hot sauce king, could only eat this sauce one drop at a time! He said it was really good, but it literally made him sweat and have tears in his eyes. He took it to work and ate it with his work friends, and they ate it all, but I will tell you, this sauce kicked his ass! Not for the faint of heart, not for sissies!
Insane Chicken's website has some awesome stuff for hot sauce lovers, you can find something for everyone there, and they have gifts that are unique! One of my favorites is the Hot Sauce Of The Month Club:
If you have a dad on your list that might be interested in something like this for Father's Day, hurry quick and check out Insane Chicken's stuff!
disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own and no monetary compensation was received.
disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own and no monetary compensation was received.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Check It Out Ladies!
Hey guys!Just wanted to share with you guys this info from Anniewear on some awesome Summer Travel Items for babies and kids!I love that these adorable products give back to pets in need! If you can't resist these adorable products either, be sure to enter Promo Code: BLOG2011 at checkout to receive a 15% off discount!
Open publication - Free publishing - More anniewear
Disclosure: This compensated post was sponsored by Project You Magazine (www.projectyoumagazine.com) and the Role Mommy Writer's Network (www.rolemommy.com).
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Father's Day 2011: Sticky Fingers BBQ Sauce!
We are kicking off our Father's Day Gift Guide here at Flip Out Mama, and I am super excited to introduce our first sponsor!
Dads and Grilling go hand in hand, so I was super pumped when we received this wonderful gift pack from Sticky Fingers BBQ Sauce!
I am not ashamed to say that I love getting my hubs stuff for the grill, because that means less cooking for me!
And from the looks of the awesome Deluxe Sauce Pack, I won't be cooking anytime soon! This gift pack includes five BIG bottles of Sticky Finger's famous BBQ Sauces. We were so excited to try them all! The sauces are: Memphis Original Sauce, Tennessee Whiskey Sauce, Carolina Classic Sauce, Carolina Sweet Sauce, and Habanero Hot BBQ Sauce.
What do you do when you get a giant pack of BBQ sauce? Well, you make RIBS of course!!! I know this is totally going to blow your mind, but the first time I had ever tried Ribs was probably two years ago. I am now extremely addicted to them and force my family to eat them at least once a week! This was no exception, in fact we cooked extra so we could try all the sauces!
Surprise, surprise, my favorite sauce was definitely the Tennessee Whiskey Sauce.. I will always be a whiskey girl, what can I say? It is a little sweet, but not too sweet, and the flavor is really rich and smoky. I used almost the whole bottle! Tater's favorite was the Carolina Sweet Sauce, he loves anything with honey in it! The Carolina Sweet Sauce is the key ingredient in the Carolina Sweet Ribs (The Most Popular Ribs at Sticky Fingers Restaurants!). And of course, The Hubs loved the Habanero Hot BBQ Sauce. It's really spicy, but really good! It's kind of like a cross between a hot sauce and a BBQ sauce, and we loved it!
If you are looking for a gift for the dad on your list, Sticky Fingers has tons of options for him! Here are some of my favorite gifts from their site:
This is the Grilling Caddy Gift Set, it is like the ULTIMATE in grilling accessories! And look at that sauce mop! That thing is freaking awesome, I want one so bad!
Another great option is this BBQ gift set, it includes the hickory wood chips that make food sooo yummy!!
Oh, and look at this shirt I found! I want this for ME!
Ahh! I love it! I want this for Christmas! :)
I am so happy that I discovered Sticky Fingers, and hopefully someday I will be able to travel further south and visit one of their restaurants for myself! I would love, love, love to go to Charleston, and I will have to add them to my list of stops!
I would like to say a big thanks to Beth Ann and all the wonderful folks at Sticky Fingers, they have been amazing, and they have definitely found a new fan in me!
Okay, okay, just one more, I can't resist!
To get your dad any of these awesome gifts, just click here!
disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own and no monetary compensation was given. Now, please, go check out that pits tee shirt!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What A Super Sucky Week.
Hey guys. Wow, I know I am super behind on things here at ye old blog. It has been such a crazy week.
First of all I would like to announce the (very extremely late) winner of the Camp Pack from Lovable Labels!
The winner is #5, Leanne Mac! Check your email Leanne, for a message from me on how to claim your prize! Congrats!
Last Sunday was Tater and Bean's birthday party! They had such a great time, well, Tater did, Bean was stuck with another ear infection, as usual. Sigh. Here are a few pics from our fun there:
I didn't get any pics of them while they were jumping, sigh. I had to wrangle the inconsolable ear infection baby, and there was just no time for picture taking!
Monday consisted of taking the Bean to the doctor for the horrid ear infection, getting a prescription that we had to wait 2 hours for, which The Bean has since threw up every single dose of. Sigh.
Wednesday was also a bittersweet day for me! My big boy graduated from preschool! I can't believe his first year of school is really over. Wow. He is so ready for kindergarten, but even more ready for Summer!
Friday was pretty much a day of shit. Our lovely dog broke off his chain and I had to chase him down. Followed by him breaking not one, but TWO windows in our house, within an hour of each other. Because he saw a bird. Sigh. Last night was spent with me trying to get his paw to stop bleeding from the cut he got. O.M.G.
So anyways, here it is, Saturday again, and I am trying to get this house in order before work tonight. I really hope that next week is better and that after tonight I am able to get some work done. I have so many great reviews and giveaways coming up!!!
Be sure to enter the giveaways on the right sidebar! Only a few days until they are over!
Hope to be back with you guys soon!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Summer Fun: Nomad Footwear Review and Giveaway!
I don't know about where you guys live, but here in Kentucky, we have had a Spring full of rain. Seriously, it's like every day. Everything is flooding, dreary and rainy. Today we had a "record low high" of only 48 degrees. How nice. I hate days like these, I am so ready for Summer! But lucky for me, Nomad Footwear has hooked me up for these crappy rainy days! Look at these adorable rain boots I received from them:
Don't you love them? I am so happy with these gorgeous boots! The pair that I received is the Black Paisley print! They are so cute and comfy!I really love the design, the colors are bright but muted at the same time! I really like the buckle on the sides too, that is my favorite part! I have been wanting a pair of cute rain boots for awhile, but they all look the same to me, and I wanted something different that not everyone else would be wearing! I definitely don't have to worry about that with Nomad Footwear, they have so many different boot designs! Take a look at some of my other favorites:
Aren't they the cutest? The only thing to remember is that Nomad Rain Boots are Water RESISTANT and not Water PROOF, so they are not meant for extreme weather conditions.
But, you don't live in crappy rainy land and you don't need rain boots? Well, not to worry, the wonderful folks at Nomad Footwear have got you covered! As a matter of fact, this is where they got their start: with high EVA foam sandals for surfers! If you are a girl who likes Flip Flops, check out these bad boys:
The folks at Nomad also have some amazing flats if those are more your style:
I am so impressed with the selection, as well as the quality of the shoes that Nomad Footwear sells! Their customer service is super too! There was an issue with the sizing of my boots at first, and the fine folks at Nomad fixed it right away! I would definitely recommend Nomad Footwear to anyone!
Would you like an adorable pair of shoes of your own??
The awesome folks at Nomad Footwear are giving away one free pair of shoes! (Up to a $55 value!)
Here's how to win!!
Mandatory Entry:
Go here to Nomad Footwear's site, and leave a comment telling me which pair of shoes you would like if you are the winner!
Bonus Entries:
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on GFC (right sidebar of this page)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama via Networked Blogs (right sidebar of this page)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Twitter (@flipoutmama)
+1 Follow Nomad Footwear on Twitter (@nomadfootwear)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Facebook here
+1 Follow Nomad Footwear on Facebook here
Contest will end on 5/31/2011 at approx10 pm est. Winner will be chosen via random.org and will be contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification or an alternate winner will be chosen. Shipping will be handled via the sponsoring company, I am not responsible for prizes that are lost, damaged or otherwise not received.
Aren't they the cutest? The only thing to remember is that Nomad Rain Boots are Water RESISTANT and not Water PROOF, so they are not meant for extreme weather conditions.
But, you don't live in crappy rainy land and you don't need rain boots? Well, not to worry, the wonderful folks at Nomad Footwear have got you covered! As a matter of fact, this is where they got their start: with high EVA foam sandals for surfers! If you are a girl who likes Flip Flops, check out these bad boys:
The folks at Nomad also have some amazing flats if those are more your style:
I am so impressed with the selection, as well as the quality of the shoes that Nomad Footwear sells! Their customer service is super too! There was an issue with the sizing of my boots at first, and the fine folks at Nomad fixed it right away! I would definitely recommend Nomad Footwear to anyone!
Would you like an adorable pair of shoes of your own??
The awesome folks at Nomad Footwear are giving away one free pair of shoes! (Up to a $55 value!)
Here's how to win!!
Mandatory Entry:
Go here to Nomad Footwear's site, and leave a comment telling me which pair of shoes you would like if you are the winner!
Bonus Entries:
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on GFC (right sidebar of this page)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama via Networked Blogs (right sidebar of this page)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Twitter (@flipoutmama)
+1 Follow Nomad Footwear on Twitter (@nomadfootwear)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Facebook here
+1 Follow Nomad Footwear on Facebook here
Contest will end on 5/31/2011 at approx10 pm est. Winner will be chosen via random.org and will be contacted via email. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to email notification or an alternate winner will be chosen. Shipping will be handled via the sponsoring company, I am not responsible for prizes that are lost, damaged or otherwise not received.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Domino's Pizza Gift Card Giveaway!
This Just In! Domino's Pizza was just named "Chain Of The Year" for the second year in a row by Pizza Today Magazine! This marks Domino's third time winning the award, and they became the first ever delivery company to win the honor in back to back years!
Domino's has undergone some fabulous changes in the past couple of years, and if you haven't been there in awhile, you definitely need to! I especially love those oven baked sandwiches, they are sooo good!
Domino's has undergone some fabulous changes in the past couple of years, and if you haven't been there in awhile, you definitely need to! I especially love those oven baked sandwiches, they are sooo good!
Pizza Today Magazine is the leading magazine in the pizza industry, and this is a great honor for Domino's!
In celebration of such a great honor, Domino's is giving away a $10.00 gift card to two lucky Flip Out Mama readers!
In celebration of such a great honor, Domino's is giving away a $10.00 gift card to two lucky Flip Out Mama readers!
Yay for a night without cooking!
Here's how to win!
Mandatory Entry:
Leave a comment telling me what toppings you would get on your pizza from Domino's!
That's all! Simple as that!
Contest will end on 5/31/2011 at approx 10pm. Winner will be chosen via random.org. and will have 48 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be chosen. Please remember to leave a valid email address with your comment so that I can contact you if you win!
Disclosure: I was provided with two gift cards to give away to my readers. No monetary compensation was given, and all opinions are my own. Thanks for asking. :)
Disclosure: I was provided with two gift cards to give away to my readers. No monetary compensation was given, and all opinions are my own. Thanks for asking. :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Summer Fun: Flojos Review and Giveaway!
Oh, sweet flip flops. My personal favorite part of Summer.
I am from the South, and I hate to wear shoes. Yup, I'm a walking stereotype, but don't hate.
Flip flops are the closet thing I can get to NO shoes, and when I have them on, my feet are just damn happy.
So, for me, finding Flojos (that's "FLOW-HOSE", y'all..) was like finding a little piece of heaven.
Flojos means "kick-back" in Spanish, and they make kicking back easy with their wide selection of beach, fashion and sport sandals for the entire family. They focus on comfort, style and affordable prices, which are my favorite things in a shoe!
Perfect couple, me and them, I tell ya!
Wayyyy back in 1979, Flojo's hit the sandal market with the original Flojos rubber criss cross sandal. That bad boy can be found here:
Man, oh man, has the world of sandals grown! From that original rubber style, just take a look at how far Flojos has come! They make some of the hottest, most fashionable sandals I have ever seen!
Let me take you on a tour of some of my faves in the women's line:
Ahh, love! But, not one to be greedy,(Who, me???) I guess I should show you a few great pairs from the mens, boys, and girls lines, shouldn't I?
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LOVE these for guys! |
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And you guys already know that my Call of Duty boy would Flip over these! |
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Almost makes me want a baby girl to put these on. Almost! |
But, I will admit, when I found out that I was going to have a chance to review the Catalina flip flop, I think I might have peed my pants a little!
This is the Catalina, the most lovely and wonderful of all flip flops.
I should start out by saying that I am a huge fan of rattan soled sandals (or "the straw ones" as I so gracefully call them) and if I had my choice between a million pair, I would always, always choose the rattan soles. They are just the most comfortable sandal ever.
The Catalina did not disappoint, nor did I expect it to! I absolutely love the fact that this sandal has a rubber outsole! This will help it to last a longer time than the ones I usually buy that just have the rattan sole.
The nylon strap is super comfortable, I like the fact that it is a little bit wider than a lot of flip flops that I wear. I will be wearing these honeys all Summer long, and I have already retired my crappier older flip flops to the back of the closet! These are the go-to ones from now on!
The Catalina comes in several different colors, black, white, lime green, hot pink (the ones I reviewed), and check out these awesome Rasta ones!
I would like to send a big thank you shout out to my new friends at Flojos for hooking me up with the greatest pair of sandals ever for the Summer. You should send a thank you to them too...
Because one lucky Flip Out Mama reader will win a pair of Catalina flip flops for themselves! Yayyyyy!!
Here's how to enter:
Mandatory Entry:
Go here to the Flojos site and tell me one other pair of sandals that you like (besides the ones they are giving away, come on now... that's cheating!) This could take you a while. I'll be patient. Leave a comment on this post and tell me your fave!
Extra Entries!
These are the bad boys that really add up!
+1 Follow my blog via GFC (right sidebar of this page) and leave a comment telling me you did/do.
+1 Follow my blog via Networked Blogs (right sidebar of this page) and leave a comment telling me you did/do.
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Facebook. leave a comment telling me so.
(leave a comment telling me so)
+1 Follow Flip Out Mama on Twitter. Leave comment.
+1 Sign up for the Flojos email newsletter by clicking here and entering your email address underneath the picture on the main page.
+1 Follow Flojos on Twitter. Leave comment. You should be getting the hang of this by now!
+1 Extra Entry PER DAY! Tweet about this giveaway, blog about it, post it as your facebook status. Whatever your thing is. Make sure to leave the link back to this post. Then comment here, leaving the link to where you posted so I can check it out. You can do this once per day for extra entries! Yay!
**This lovely and beautiful contest will end on 5/31/2011 at approx 10 pm est ( I have to sleep people... can't stay up til midnight!) Winner will be chosen via random.org and will have 48 hours to respond to email notification or an alternate winner will have to be chosen. Sorry if this happens. Ya snooze, ya lose. You know this. Winners address and sizes, etc will be provided to sponsor who will ship the prize directly. I am not responsible for prizes that are lost, damaged or otherwise not received. That is all.
disclosure: I was provided with a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample product was received, all opinions are my own, and I received no monetary compensation for this post. Although my feet are happy. :)
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