Friday, July 2, 2010

Review: Netflix

Recently, our family did something a little crazy. We canceled our beloved Dish Network service. I was so sick and tired of paying $80+ per month for nothing worth watching at all. My hubz plays XBOX 360 all the time, and I usually only watch the TV in our bedroom with the digital antenna so I can watch the news and Dr. Phil and such, so I really didn't think we needed the dish. Well after about a week or so of no dish, we were all so bored.. So, we got Netflix.

I am happy to report, after probably about a month, we do not miss our dish at all!!! The Netflix subscription is more than enough for us! Here's a little breakdown of how it works in case you aren't familiar with it.

Of course, there is the "through the mail" option, where you pay a set price, say $8.99 per month, and you go online and make a list of the movies you would like to see. Netflix automatically sends you the first movie, and you keep it as long as you want. You want to watch it the same day, and send it back? That's fine. Keep it for a month? That's fine too. Whenever you want to send it back, just drop it into the mailbox (Every dvd comes with a postage paid return envelope, how cool is that?) Netflix receives the dvd, and then mails you out the next one on your list. That's all there is to it. You just keep adding to your list, and you always have movies coming :)

The other feature that Netflix offers is "streaming". You have to have a "netflix ready device". Sounds complex, but really that just means a PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, bluray player, etc. Then you can activate your device on your Netflix account. This is very simple and can be done online. You will now be able to add movies to your "instant queue", which is pretty much an online list of movies you want to see, and they will be available to watch instantly on your TV. It's really pretty awesome, and very convenient for the times when you don't want to wait for your dvd to come in the mail.

The only main downfall of streaming as opposed to through the mail movies, is that the newest releases are only available through the mail.But there are plenty of good movies as well as tv shows available through the instant queue on the tv. If you think of something you would like to see, you can go to the netflix site and search for the movie, and it will let you know if it is available for download to your tv, or if it is only available through the mail.

I love the fact that tv series are available through netflix too. It's a great way to watch a series from start to finish. Also, the price ranges are so reasonable.The plan for one dvd at a time through the mail is $8.99 per month. We just recently upgraded to the two dvd at a time plan which is $13.99 per month, so we can always have a dvd to watch at home. This is working out really well for us so far, and we are very happy with the value. You can get up to eight dvds at a time, and I believe that plan is $47.99 a month, which is still equal to about 2 trips to the movies for me and the hubs. You can also add access to blurays for an additional fee.

My favorite feature of Netflix is the option to put your membership on hold. If you are going to go out of town, or just plain don't have the money one month, you can simply go online and choose to put your membership on hold. You just send your dvds back, and you are not billed, and you can choose when to restart. This has come in handy for us a few times when we've been short on money but not wanted to cancel our netflix subscription all together.

I honestly can whole-heartedly give Netflix a great review. It has become one of those things that I am not sure how we lived without. Now I have to go, and watch some more episodes of Weeds on the Wii. Thanks Netflix! ;)
Disclosure: Netflix did not give me anything for this review, just wanted to share with you all a company that works for us! :)

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