Monday, October 22, 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Surrogacy

Chances are that you have heard of surrogacy before, but don’t actually know the ins and outs of the
process. However, it’s extremely important that you are familiar with the concept! Whether you are
currently fertile or not, you may find yourself intending to use surrogacy down the line, or a loved one
might be involved in the process at some point. So, let’s take a moment to get to grips with some of
the basics of this astounding medical process that changes so many people’s lives around the world
on a daily basis!

What Is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a process in which an individual or couple who are unable to conceive naturally use
medical intervention to help with building a family of their own. During surrogacy, a surrogate mother
(a woman who is willing to help an infertile couple) is impregnated with a fertilised egg (otherwise
referred to as an “embryo”) and continues to carry a baby to full term and give birth to him or her on
behalf of someone else.

Why People May Use a Surrogate

There are various reasons that people may resort to surrogacy. Generally speaking, they will not be
able to conceive a child for themselves. They may be a same sex couple, one or both partners may
be infertile, or one or both partners may have medical conditions that prevent them from conceiving,
carrying a child, or birthing a child.

Key Terms

When getting involved in surrogacy, you are bound to start to hear all sorts of subject-specific jargon.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused if you are unfamiliar with any terms. But not to worry.
Here are just a few key words and phrases that you might come across, along with their meaning.

  • Anonymous Donors - an anonymous donor has donating their egg or sperm and neither you
  • nor your child will have any right to any identifying information about them. Some countries
  • have implemented law to ensure that all donors are identifiable. However, other countries allow
  • donors to retain the right to anonymity.

  • Compensated or Commercial Surrogacy - this is when the surrogate has received financial
  • payment in order to carry and birth a child. The opposite of this is “altruistic” or “uncompensated
  • surrogacy” in which the surrogate does not receive any financial payment in order to carry and
  • birth a child.

  • Double Donation - double donation is when both egg and sperm have been donated. Neither
  • comes from either of the intended parents.

  • Egg Sharing - engaging with surrogacy can be an expensive process. Some clinics offer
  • discounted or free treatment to people in exchange for the use of half of any eggs that are
  • collected from them. These can then be used to help women experiencing similar difficulties.

  • Gametes - gametes are eggs or sperm.

  • Intended Parent - the intended parent (or intended parents) will be the individual (or couple)
  • who will be going through the surrogacy journey and who will take care of the child at the end
  • of the process.

  • Surrogacy Agency - a surrogacy agency is the organisation who oversee the entire process.
  • They will screen and match donors, surrogates, and intended parents, as well as supporting
  • everyone through the entire process. A prime example of a surrogacy agency and their work
  • is the ConceiveAbilities surrogacy process.

  • Surrogate - a surrogate is the individual who will carry and birth the child.

Preparing for the Process

Surrogacy can be an extremely complex process not only in medical terms, but also in
emotional and psychological terms. Luckily, there are all sorts of support out there for
anyone who is involved with the process. From the surrogacy agency that you choose to work with to
specialist support groups and helplines. It is important that you reach out to others if you are feeling
overwhelmed by surrogacy or simply want to talk more about the subject.

Of course, surrogacy may be difficult for all involved. But generally speaking, it proves to be a
positive process that provides loving intended parents with a little one to raise and care for.
Hopefully, the above information has helped to familiarise you with some of the basics in the field.
If you wish to know any more, conduct extra research and reach out to all of the available information
and resources out there!

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