Monday, June 4, 2012

Just An Update.

So, y'all.... It's vacation time here at Mama's house. Yay!! 

I am really enjoying hanging out with the hubs, watching tv, playing with the boys, and just being together. We really don't get too much of that around here. 
Silly Pool Faces!

Finances just haven't been what he hoped for them to be, so right now, we aren't taking a vacation anywhere. Just hanging out with the boys, swimming in the pool, going to the movies, children's museum, etc, will have to be enough  for right now. We are planning to take a real vacation on Fall Break, when things with the $$$ will be in a better place. .
My house is the go to place for neighborhood fun!

We are getting a new car! I am very excited about that, since the old one was on it's last leg for, well, ever since we got it! It finally blew up (on the way to the boy's birthday party LOL!) so, it's time for a new one! YaY! I am happy about getting something nicer, but sad that the old car blew up, and sad to go in debt lol. If there is anything I hate, it's a car payment! 

I am so glad to finally be free of my day (night) job! It is so nice to be at home with the boys at night now. Hubs found a second job, paying more than what I was making at mine, and he will get probably 2-3 times the hours I was getting, so that makes me feel better, that we will be in a better financial place than we were before. It really weighs on me that if I quit my job, what if we couldn't pay the bills??? But, so far, so good, and things seem to be coming together. I am thinking about trying to find a couple of kids to watch when school starts back. It would be something to keep Bean company while Tater is in school, and a good way for me to make some extra cash! 

Now that I am home with the boys, I have to get on some sort of a schedule. There are so many things that I want to get done, around here, and so far, I feel like I don't have enough time, still! 

I am making a list of things that I want to get done in the near future, and maybe that will make me be more accountable! 

I am also beginning on the journey that I have wanted to take for several years now, for my family to become more self sufficient. There are so many things that I feel that we should be doing that we are not, and I am ready to make those things happen. 

I want to finish getting our fence up around the front and back yards, I want to begin composting, and work on getting our recycling to a more organized level. I want to look into having some backyard chickens, and maybe even a few rabbits. I want to get our garden back to the way it should be.. I think the boys and I would really have a good time taking care of some pets.

Maybe I am one of those crazies that thinks the end of the world is coming, but I feel a renewed sense of urgency when it comes to all things home/family/preparedness related, and it is stuff that I should have been doing for a long time now! I am ready to make it all happen! 

So, that's whats up here @ Mama's house. Stay tuned for lots more "homesteading" posts, because that's what I am going to be working on over this way! 

Have a great week,everyone!

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