Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hot Gift: Tonka Tool Trucks from Funrise Toys PLUS #GIVEAWAY!

We are back with another great holiday gift pick for the boys in your life. Funrise Toys has been a long standing favorite of mine. They produce fun, durable, and high quality toys for kids of all ages and I trust them as a company.

One of the main reasons that we love Funrise toys is that they carry our favorite boy brand ever, Tonka Trucks! And now we have an awesome new one to add to our collection! 

This is the Tonka Tool Truck with Jackhammer! 

You open the rear hatch of your truck to reveal a super cool motorized tool! The tool itself has lights and sounds and so does the truck! You either get a jackhammer tool or a jaws of life tool. We got the Jaws of Life tool with our Fire Department truck.

Here's a cute YouTube video of the trucks in action: 

I really dont know which of my boys has enjoyed this toy more! Tater has really enjoyed making tons of "accidents" and helping people with the Jaws of Life tool. He has really liked the fact that this toy fits right in with all of his other Tonka Road Crew trucks!

My little Bean has also been a big fan of this truck. He loves the lights and sounds, and it is just big enough for him to push around. It doesn't have super small parts that I have to worry about him putting in his mouth, and it is easy for him to roll along.

If you have a hero boy at your house, I would definitely recommend these new Tonka Tool Trucks for you! If you are interested in them, check them out here!

One Lucky Flip Out Mama reader will be able to win one of these Tonka Tool Trucks from Funrise Toys!

For the easy entry: 

Go here to Funrise Toys website, and tell me another toy that you like! Simple as that! Make sure to include your email address so that we can make sure to notify you if you are the winner!

disclosure: we received a sample product in order to conduct this review. Although a sample was received, all opinions are my own and I received no monetary compensation. Giveaway will end on 12/10/2011 at approx 11:01 pm est. Winner will be chosen via and will have 48 hours to respond to email notification or an alternate winner will be chosen. Prize will be shipped directly from sponsor. I am not responsible for prizes that are lost, damaged, or otherwise not received. 


  1. I like the Tub Town "Princess" the Yacht

  2. My nephew would like the tonka monster trucks
    msboatgal at

  3. I like the Baby Alive clothing - Adorable in Denim

    leannemacg at

  4. My daughter would also love the Buzz Lightyear Bubble Blaster

  5. I love all of the bubble guns! I cant choose one but one similar to Gazillion Streamin' Bubbles :) My son will giggle his cute little booty off for hours watching the bubbles!

  6. My guys would enjoy the Gazillion Bubble Light Blazer I think.



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