Friday, January 7, 2011

Review: EatSmart Bathroom Scale

Well, it's that time again. 

New Years. 

Time for resolutions, and changes, and all that stuff. 

As usual, I am making them. 

Breaking them? Probably. 

But I'm going to try anyways!

At the top of the list, is losing weight. As usual. 

Last year, the bean did a number on me. 

I mean, look at this guy?

How could I not have gained weight with a guy like this on board? 

He likes to eat. Always has. Even in my tummy. 

Thanks to that fact, I gained close to 60 lbs while I was pregnant with The Bean. 

I even hit the dreaded 200 lb mark! I can't believe I am saying that out loud. 

But, hopefully, now that I have the EatSmart Bathroom Scale, I will be able to get a grip on the extra poundage!

We received an EatSmart Scale to review, and I was sooo excited about it! 

We don't even own a bathroom scale, I mean, hell, I really have never wanted to know what I weighed! 

And look at this beauty! 

As soon as I opened the package, I was like "Ooooh!" Pretty, huh!?

I love this scale! 

I couldn't believe how easy it was to use! 

You just step on it. Really. That's it. 

You just step on, and wait a few seconds, and your weight pops up. 

Easy Peasy. 

I love the sleek, thin design of this scale. Very sophisicated. Like me. (ha!)

The display is a large 3.5" LCD screen that is easy to read, and it measures your weight with four high precision sensors, for consistent and accurate measurements.

The best part for me? It runs on 4 AAA batteries, which we always have around the house, and I don't have to turn it off and on, it's automatic! 

EatSmart has a variety of products to help you, well.. eat smarter! 

I love their kitchen scale too, check out this one: 
It's actually a nutrient counter too!


A big thanks to EatSmart for letting me try this great scale!

I am looking forward to getting back on the right track, and I know this will help!

(Just an exciting note, I hadn't weighed myself since The Bean was born, I actually weigh 162! I only have a few more lbs to go to get back to pre-Bean size! Whooohooo!)

disclosure: I received a sample product in order to conduct this review. All opinions are my own, and no monetary compensation was received!

1 comment:

  1. I need one of these around my house.Even though I don't want to see how much I weigh but i need it.


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