Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Goodbye, Summer.

The following is a sponsored post brought to you by your friends at Become.

Well, I guess Summer really is over. The leaves are starting to change here, and mornings and nights are getting really cool. While I am excited for Fall, and possibly even (gasp!) Winter, (okay, not the Winter part, but the holidays), I always hate to see Summer go. 

Now I am thinking about next summer. Tater will be 5 and Bean will be celebrating his 1st birthday! Hopefully, by next year, we will have our finances back on track, because I really want to get them
a swingset like this one, 

and a pool like this one.

I want to fix up our backyard and make it kind of like our little sanctuary. I am thinking of planting lots of flowers, 
maybe putting in a few bird houses, 
(Tater has been obsessed with birds and bird houses forever, and he has always wanted to make his own bird house, but we still haven't done it!) 

and we gotta get some good lawn chairs so I can get my bronze on! (Like that will EVER happen!)

There are so many things I planned to get to this Summer, but being 9 months pregnant, and then having a newborn, it just didn't happen. So next Summer, will be MY Summer to get all the things done I have been wanting to do! But, until then, I guess I will just have to enjoy Fall! :) 


  1. I will miss the summer, but fall is by far my favorite! I'm your newest follower from Tuesday blog hops. Looking forward to reading more. Mine is http://www.nestingwithniall.blogspot.com. Hope you'll stop by :)

  2. Congrats on your new baby! Yes, enjoy the upcoming holidays and summer will be back before you know it!! Your newest follower from the Tuesday Tag Along!~Lisa

    I am all a twitter about life

  3. Goodbye summer but hello FAMILY HOLIDAYS! yay


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