Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Happened To My Baby!?

See That?

and this?

also, this?

On Thursday, It will be exactly four months since I met that little guy. 

Wanna know where he is right now? Sleeping in his big boy bed, in his room. With his big brother. 


This is the third night he has slept in his crib instead of his bassinet. 

So far he has slept all night.

From 7pm to 6 am. 

Can't complain about that. 

Yesterday he started rolling over. 

Today he started "walking" around the living room in his walker.
Sigh. Why does it pass so fast?
Happy 4 Months, Beanie :)


  1. Awe!!! I need a baby again! My babe is a toddler and I look at him and say the same thing. Where did my baby go? And when? What was I doing that I missed him go from size 1 dipes to size 4?! There is no sign of a baby anymore and it makes me sad. I know it shouldn't because everyday is a fun new day where he says something new or does something to make me laugh. Sometimes I hold him in the cradle position and he just laughs and then fusses until I turn him upright. I can't even remember the last time I held him in the position. Isn't it funny that you write all this crap down in baby books and journals so they can read it when they are older and really it's me who needs to go back and say 'oh it was June when you smiled for the first time on cue for the camera.' You don't write down goofy things like 'I think this is going to be the last time that you do abc or xyz.' Sigh. I guess that's why we take millions of pictures right? :) BTW, you have beautiful children Miss Dawn.


  2. Awwwww!!! He's super cute!!

    Hi and welcome to the Bloggy Moms Club!
    Have a nice day!!!!

  3. I just realized reading this that our babies are very close together! I had my 2nd on May 10, so he's 4 months too. Can you believe how fast they grow?!

  4. I ask myself this same thing every day! My daughter is a month older.


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