Brace yourself for awesome action and legendary laughs in this fun-filled animated TV series based on the Academy Award®-Nominated hit movie Kung Fu Panda! As the chosen Dragon Warrior and sworn protector of the Valley of Peace, Po the panda is highly skilled, ever vigilant and hungry for justice...and dumplings. Together with the Furious Five—Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and Viper—Po must fend off fierce villains, including an evil version of himself (courtesy of the Mystical Mirror of Yin and Yang) and the toothy Croc Bandits!
Yay!!!! Who doesn't love them some Kung Fu Panda! I am so excited that Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness is out on DVD now! I love love LOVE Kung Fu Panda, and I was so excited to get to share this guy with my littles! This is a great DVD and contains over TWO hours of awesomeness, including:
Good Croc Bad Croc
The Princess and the Po
Chain Reaction
Bad Po
Jailhouse Panda
Father Crime
Po Fans Out!
I love it!! Do your kids like Kung Fu Panda? Do you think they would like to win a copy of this DVD? You can enter to win one below!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
we received a copy of this dvd for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and are not influenced by outside means.
I will watch it with my kids
ReplyDeleteMy kiddos! :)
ReplyDeleteMy kids! They love Kung Fu Panda!
ReplyDeletewith my 7 year old son and 5 year old daughter!