Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain Service- I Needed You!

Recently, I have been thinking about remodeling our bathroom. The whole nine yards.. New shower, new toilet, new counters, everything. I have been thinking about all of the things that we have done to our bathroom already.. And that train of thought was what lead me to thinking about the time I was praying for Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Drain Service to come to my rescue.

When my sweet little Tater was three, he flushed a hot wheel down the toilet. Not just any hot wheels car,either, mind you... But, a hot wheels tractor trailer. How lovely! At first, we didn't think it was really that big of a deal. We would just get it out, right? We started out with a metal clothes hanger trying to get it undone. Not working. Then, we moved on to a plumber's snake. Nope, not even close. We just continued on down the line of things to try, calling plumber friends and even enlisting the help of neighbors. Nothing would budge.

We called a local plumber. His idea? Take the toilet up and try to go at the hot wheel from the other side. Oh dear, what a mess! We tried it... and.. it didn't work. Sadly. The only option that we were faced with was to replace the toilet. Not that big of a deal, but for two kids with a baby in your early twenties, $150 for a new toilet was definitely NOT in the budget that day! Fortunatley, we scraped up the money, and were able to get the toilet repaired, but it was not something I would ever like to do myself ever again! Now, in my older, more wiser years, I know that we would have been better off to simply call a real plumber like Roto Rooter to help us out with our issue, and it would have cause many less headaches!

Now, I know when to call a professional, and when you can do things yourself. I have learned that saving money isn't always the most important thing.. Sometimes, you just gotta save your sanity too!

Have you ever had a time when it was just a better idea to call a professional than to do something on your own? Let me know below in the comments! 

This has been a sponsored post, however, all thoughts and opinions are 100% our own.  

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