Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Learning To Walk With The Juppy!

As most of you know, Bean has been having a really hard time learning to walk! Recently we got to try the Juppy Baby Walker!

The Juppy® is a unique baby creation
for 6 - 9 month olds and up that provides
help for parents when managing
developmental milestones that are
essential for baby development.

Excellent training aid for your child's

Ideal for babies learning to walk and
builds confidence in babies afraid to walk.

Personalize your Juppy with your baby's
Also makes a great gift!

Extremely helpful for special needs chil-
dren with developmental challenges.

Lower back pain while teaching is gone!

Defends against accidents to your baby
that could cause serious injury.

See what a cool product this is!? I was really excited to try this thing out! One thing that I thought was pretty cool about the Juppy is that it is portable, so you can stash it and take it anywhere!

We were pretty excited to try out the Juppy to see if Bean would learn to walk! It is pretty easy to use, you just put it on your baby, and zip them up. Then you adjust the straps and away you go! The point is to get your baby to walk with you only holding onto the straps. That way they learn to balance and it saves your back! 

However, our Bean is a tad difficult. He hates pretty much everything (even puppies and chocolate!), so it really was no surprise when he threw a fit about us putting the Juppy on him. He really hates being confined in any sort of way! So, after that huge fight, he actually got used to the Juppy and tried to walk a little bit! I wish that we had another baby around to try out the Juppy who wasn't so crabby! 

I wish I could show you a pic of our Bean in the Juppy, but he was in no mood for picture taking! He just wanted to be free again! :) But here is a pic from their website of just what it looks like in action!
If you would like more information about the Juppy, be sure to add them on Facebook and Twitter,  or if you want to check out their website, you can do that here!
 You can also check out the Juppy Baby Walker blog with lots of great info! 

Thanks so much to Juppy for providing us one to try with our cranky man!

disclosure: We received a Juppy for review. All opinons are my own and no monetary compensation was given! 

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