Sunday, December 29, 2019

5 Ways To Prepare Your Life For Kids

It might seem like a hazy idea on the horizon that you’d like to have kids someday. But does your heart
skip a beat at the thought of the organization levels involved to prepare your life for a new addition? Try
not to panic, as here are some simple tips for you to sail into parenthood with your sanity (hopefully)

Get The Right Car
The first question is can you drive? If you haven’t experienced the joys of driving, search
'more info on driving test’ to find out about how you can get in the car and get moving. The second
question is whether you have a child-friendly vehicle. It doesn’t have to be a 7-seater kid mobile, but if
you have a flashy two-seater on a lease scheme, it might be time to consider trading it in for a four-door
if you’ve got kids on the horizon.

Rearrange Your Finances
You might think that your finances are in pretty good shape. But remember, your little bundle of joy will be
a massive gain to your life, but might mean a slight hit to your finances. If possible, try to build a cushion
of 3 or so months of expenses to ease the financial stress of a new arrival. At the very least try and
reduce your debts so you’re not adding to the build-up.

Think About Work
It’s inevitable that both you and your partner will spend some time away from work when your new arrival
first arrives. If you’re planning a little way ahead it could be worth reevaluating your career options. Is this
what you really want to do? It might be worth making a career change if you aren’t happy, so you have
enough time to settle into a new role before planning for kids. 

Consider Your Support Network
Many parents might not have the benefit of going down to one salary, and need to rely on close relatives
at least one day a week. Consider your network and who could potentially provide that support for you. If
that’s not an option and you find out you’re expecting, take the time to explore mother and baby classes so
you can spend time with new parents in a similar position to you.

Don’t Overplan
You’ve done everything you can to reduce stress, so now it’s time to live your life without overthinking the
journey to parenthood. Every new parent will find themselves in the same position, wondering what they’re
doing, or if they’re ready. Try to enjoy the journey and don’t let the decision to have kids stop you from
taking risks in your career or making new decisions.

Taking the above steps will reduce the strain on your finances and get you thinking realistically about the
future. Parenthood is meant to be a joy, but can also be a slog (of love, but still). So here’s to the future and
embarking on the fun ride that is having children with as little stress as possible.

Friday, December 6, 2019

How To Get Your Children Outdoors More Often

With so many of our households relying on technology and using it in some form every waking
hour, it can easily be something that your children rely on too much, and they miss out on things
that you might have done as a child, and that didn’t need electronics like board games for
example. Here are some tips to get your children outdoors more often.

Take Them To A Local Park
The local park is a perfect place to encourage a bit of outdoor fun, and there will likely be one or
two near you. It’s a great opportunity to get them interested in the local area that surrounds
them, and usually, these parks will have swings and other play areas that are worth using. Make
this a regular thing that they can end up enjoying alone when they’re a little older. It’s always
good to scope out the park itself to ensure that it’s safe enough and that no one is loitering
around that shouldn’t be. It’s great as an adult to go back to a park and live out that nostalgic
time but now with your own children.

Organize Days Out With Fellow Parents
A family day out is always a good opportunity to get away from the home where all the
electronics are and make it a no-screen day. Fellow parents that you know may wish to organize
something together, like a trip to a soft obstacles playground or maybe going to the zoo. Set up a
group and take it in turns to organize something fun for your children to get involved with. They
don’t need to be anything too wild but giving your children something to do that doesn’t involve
an iPad or a mobile phone is important. There are plenty of opportunities to see cute animals at
the zoo and has a few pictures of some adorable animals that you might
see at yours.

Have Limited Screen Time
Screen time is very important to limit when you can because it can be very easy to let that
screen time go on and on for hours at a time. And although that may keep them entertained, it’s a
good idea to limit it so that they don’t always rely on it to relieve their boredom. They should also
be taking advantage of playing with toys and creating mud pies in the yard. Try to be strict with
limiting screen time and ensure that they’re getting homework done before having fun.

Go Out And Play With Them
Sometimes outdoor play can be boring, particularly when they’re on their own or feeling left out.
Give yourself a break from work and the internet too and get outside to play with your kids. You
only have them around for so long, so it’s important you’re making time for them.

Get your children outdoors more often with trips to the park and cutting back on screen time so
that they don’t rely on it as much as possible.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Deciding To Become A Freelancer? It Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

There is a possibility that you’re sat at your office desk this moment, reading this and watching the clock
tick down until five o'clock comes around. Or perhaps you’re sat at home after work thinking about the
impending work day ahead and becoming nervous about the amount of work there is to do and how many
reports or feedback your boss wants to see. It doesn’t have to be like this, there is another way to improve
your career for the better and it all starts with you. 

Taking your job to the next level doesn’t have to be difficult - whatever job you do now could be a job that
you could take freelance. From interior designer, clothing maker, digital marketer, or even a lawyer. If you
have the credentials and you know you’re good at what you do, then there’s a chance you become
freelance. Even some doctors goes freelance today and there can be a lot of money to make, without
having to let your boss and the company you work for take all the credit for it. Working for yourself comes
with risk and there is certainly a thought that must go into any decision before you choose to adopt this new
way of life but when you look at the Roving Foleys, you can see that this is an achievable lifestyle. 

Photo: Pixabay

You are going to have to start being your own boss if you’re self employed, which means starting to be
strict with yourself and setting yourself goals, boundaries and ensuring you’re hitting the right amount of
work hours - perhaps these can be less hours but you can work better. Long hours in the office can actually
stop workers from working as efficiently because they often get tired and even bored spending long hours
at a computer screen. It can make your eyes tired and heavy and the work isn't the standard it could be.
Work out your ideal hours a week and if in that time you can achieve the work you need to make a decent
living wage. Work out how much tax you’re likely to pay, how it will affect all aspects of your income including
your rent and your insurances. That way you can start making the decision about taking the next step. What
will you need to buy in order to have your business run from home. If you are a physiotherapist, do you
need any equipment? If you work in the digital world, do you have a good enough laptop that will work well
all year round? Minor things such as this can help you decide the costs of going freelance, but you may be

If you want to travel as you work, there are ways to do this, even with a family, but you must ensure that
you’re making the right decision for yourself at this time. So start making lists of what you want, start
planning where you see yourself in one year, two years and even five years and look at how you can
achieve this. Making the switch over from 9-5 to freelancer life is daunting, but it can be equally as

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Keeping Your Marriage Strong While Raising The Kids: It Is Possible

Raising kids isn't easy, and despite the many blessings they can offer you, there have probably been
times when they have caused friction within your married relationship.

Busyness can take over quality 1:1 time with your partner, as with the never-ending cycle of school runs,
after-school clubs, swimming lessons, and the various parenting demands that you regularly encounter,
you might not have a lot of time to spend together. 

Weekends will probably be spent trying to entertain your children instead of finding ways to entertain
yourself and your partner.

And you might experience arguments when there is disagreement on how best to raise the kids, or on
other matters that pertain to family life.

Such is life, you might assume, but you need to beware. Many marriages run cold when little is done to
renew the flames of passion and love within the relationship, and this can sometimes lead to separation
and divorce.

Don't let this happen to you. 

It is possible to keep your marriage strong, despite having kids, so you shouldn't have to suffer the
consequences of marital stress and the prospect of divorce mediation.

Focus on these two things within your relationship.

#1: Allow time for each other

Yes, your children will take up a lot of your time, but they don't have to an ever-present part of your
schedule. Make time for date nights with your partner. Send the children to their grandparents for the
occasional weekend. And when your children are in bed, cuddle up close with your partner and enjoy
quality time together. 

You should also make an effort to be less busy within those aspects of your schedule that don't pertain
to family life. So, place the needs of your relationship over time spent with friends. Don't bring your work
home with you of an evening on a regular basis. And while you do need to have your own hobbies, don't
focus on them at the expense of your marriage.

By taking steps to spend more time together, you will have the opportunity to talk to each other, have fun
together, and even flirt, kiss, and cuddle with one another. Love will surely blossom.

#2: Forgive each other

There will be times when one or both of you say things that are later regretted. It could be something
said in the heat of the moment, or it could be something that is unleashed after holding pent-up
resentments. In some cases, the subject of your children could be the cause of the hurtful words that are
said, although there are bound to be a hundred other things within your lives that could cause anger and

Words will be said, and doors will be slammed, and this can be expected in any relationship. However,
don't let disagreements fester. As soon as it is appropriate, talk to one another, figure out what went
wrong together, and make every effort to forgive each other. It's easier said than done, we know, but for
the benefit of your marriage, every effort must be made. 

There is some excellent advice here on forgiveness in relationships, so have a read and remember the
points made the next time you and your partner come to blows. 

Married life can be tough, and so can parenting children. However, one shouldn't come at the expense
of the other, so consider our advice. And if you have any other tips for our readers, perhaps based on
your personal experiences, be sure to share your suggestions with us.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How Busy Moms Can Stay On Top Of Their Skincare Game!

How Busy Moms Can Stay on Top of Their Skincare Game 

Whether they choose to stay home or juggle work and children, mothers are always busy taking care of others
and rarely find time for themselves. Self-care is sometimes limited to basic human needs, like eating and
sleeping. Yet, every mom should have the luxury to pamper herself for all of the hard work she gets done daily.
Even if there are only five minutes to spare, a little care goes a long way. 

White Textile Beside Lit Candle

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of those items that every mother should have in their cabinet. Besides being a healthy cooking
oil, this product can be used in a variety of ways outside of the kitchen. Its antibacterial properties make it an
excellent cleanser. Infuse coconut oil in your homemade face wash and body scrubs to get rid of acne breakouts.

Or, create a simple hair mask to get rid of a dry scalp and dandruff. Because coconut oil is made of saturated fats,
it makes for a great moisturizer, too. You can use it by itself to soften dry hands and feet. Or, you can combine it
with essential oils and massage it all over your body. Coconut oil has even been known to reduce the appearance
of stretch marks when used regularly.

Homemade facials
So now that your skin has found that healthy glow, it’s about maintenance. Again, not every mom can just dash out
the door to the spa for regular pampering. 

So, bring the spa home. Whether you can set aside a few hours on a Sunday afternoon or a few minutes at night,
make sure to schedule some time for routine facials. There are plenty of recipes online for homemade face masks
and body scrubs that you can customize to fit your skin needs.

Spa services, but at home
Now, facials are not the only spa service busy moms can indulge in. With the right device, they can also enjoy
spa-level permanent hair removal at home. Removing unwanted hair is something some mothers have to do daily,
which when you think about it, can be quite tedious. Stay on top of your skincare game by using an
at home permanent hair removal system instead. 

The best devices only use FDA-cleared technology, just like in luxurious spas. Also, it is not as time-consuming as it
sounds. In the amount of time it takes to watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show, you can give yourself a
hair removal treatment.

Double-duty make-up
One of the beauty world’s secrets is multi-purpose make-up. Water-based blushes can also be used as lip gloss.
Some companies have marketed the eye, lip and brow pencil combo. And almost all beauty brands have blended
foundation with tinted moisturizer. Your make-up routine just got cut down, but you still look amazing.

If you’re concerned about not having enough time, keep in mind that these simple indulgences can be done when
ever you can sneak in a few minutes to yourself. Being a mother is difficult enough. Don’t make it harder on
yourself by not treating your body right. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How To Avoid Planning Your Holiday Finances At The Last Minute

How to Avoid Planning Your Holiday Finances at the Last Minute  

The holidays can sneak up on you fast, so it’s essential to start your holiday finance plan as early as possible.
Leaving budgeting and holiday financing to the last-minute can cause unnecessary stress during a time where
you just want to enjoy yourself.  

Statistically, practically three-quarters of Americans admit to not budgeting properly for the holiday season. As a
result, many people have to worry about debt throughout the holiday. If you plan accordingly, even a month
ahead of time, you can manage your finances properly in anticipation of the holidays. 

Avoid the Last-minute Shuffle
The costliest part of the holiday is gift-giving. Giving gifts is always a nice gesture, but if it’s going to put you into
further debt, you might want to consider an alternative plan. 

For instance, if you wait to start shopping last-minute, then you’ll be spending too much money at once, and
prices will be higher. If you know what to buy earlier, then you can find some sales before the busy holiday
season, and take care of many items from your list.   

A Savings Timeline
When it comes to your savings plan, set up automatic transfers to your savings account whenever payday hits.
That way, you will have money in your savings account without even having to think about it. It will also reduce
the likelihood that you’ll spend that money on other things. 

If you’re new to starting a savings plan or budget, there are many resources out there on
how to set a budget for your first time from expert payday loan companies who know all about managing money. These resources
provide essential tips on how to make your budget work.

Even planning ahead by one month can save a lot of money and reduce stress. Here are some tasks you can do
that will enhance your holiday spending plan:

*Don’t overload your credit card. Pay with as much cash as possible, or use a short-term payday loan. 

*Once you’ve bought what you need for one person, cross them off the list. This strategy should help reduce the
impulse to buy more. 

*Monitor your spending. Keep a physical log of what you have spent and what you need to budget. Check the list
daily to make sure you’re on track. 

*Start your shopping in off-peak times. Make sure you have lots of energy and are in the right mood, so you
get all your tasks done. 

If you’re falling behind and struggling to get your errands done, there’s no shame in asking for help. Ask the
people close to you if they can take care of any of the items on your task list. 

Now that you know you can’t leave your holiday budgeting to the last minute, you can still buy presents for your
loved ones, and get to do the things you want over the holiday. A little planning goes a long way in the end, so
you won’t have to worry about debt or extra expenses.